“Overall, Death Hub is a really satisfying thriller novel that is certain to entertain fans of the likes of Lee Child and Tom Clancy.”


Reviewed By K.C. Finn for Readers’ Favorite

Death Hub by Edwin Dasso

"I enjoyed every moment of this exciting thriller novel, which works absolutely fine as a standalone despite being part of a continuing series. It certainly made me curious to find out more about Jack’s past in Iraq and how he met his students the first time around. Author Edwin Dasso writes with clarity and an eye for detail, giving us the clean lines of cold, austere machinery juxtaposed with the literal blood, sweat and tears of our Jack Bass. The intermixing of military, action, suspense and medical thriller genres makes for some great atmospheric moments in the plot, and the storyline itself is well constructed so as not to give away too much of the mystery at once. "
